Hormones 101: Feminizing and Masculinizing in Trans Health

Topics include sex hormones, puberty, and gender transition. We cover administration, expected affects, potential problems, and monitoring.

In this program, we will discuss hormone routes and administration, expected hormone effects, and potential problems. We briefly discuss monitoring hormone levels by using the concept of the pharmacologic steady state.

The lecture is similar to programs presented for medical school audiences, but will provide a thorough foundation for all healthcare providers and professional students of all disciplines.

Course Curriculum

Linda Gromko MD

Linda Gromko is a Board-Certified Family Physician who has worked with the transgender community for over twenty years. Dr. Gromko has infused her wealth of experience in patient care into 13 online courses, with the aim to provide accessible information for parents, educators and health care providers to do better and for the transgender and gender non-conforming community.

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Hormones 101

$49 USD

  • Feminizing and Masculinizing in Trans Health

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